Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Scottish snow storm

These two men are going on a sking holiday in the north of Scotland. As they drive north the weather gets worse and the road is getting covered in snow. They see a house in the middle of nowhere with its lights blazing. The snow is getting deeper by the minute so they knock on the door.
An old lady answers and they ask if she can give them shelter. She says
“ You cannot stay in the house, but you can shelter in the barn and I’ll make you a nice warm supper”

A year passes and one of the men gets a letter from a Scottish firm of solicitors. He phones his pal and asks
“On our sking trip last year, when we were stuck in the snow – did you sneak into the house and make love to the old lady?”
His pal says that he did.
“Did you give her my name and address?”
His pal confesses and says he is really sorry. “Are you in trouble?” he asks.

“No trouble. The old lady just died and left me a fortune!”

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