Wednesday, November 19, 2008

See that woman ...

Twelve years into the future and a new US President has been elected. The President-Elect is not only a woman but also a Jewess. Naturally she invites her family to attend the Inauguration.
Her mother says she cannot attend because it will be expnsive to travel.
“I’ll send Air Force One to collect you,” says her daughter.
Her mother says she cannot attend because it will be dangerous.
“I have the best security in the world,” says her daughter.
Her mother says she cannot attend because the food will not be kosher.
“I have the best chefs and can order anything I want,” says her daughter.
So the mother attends and is seated in the front row.
As her daughter is sworn in as President of the USA the mother turns to the person sat next to her and says –

“See that woman up there swearing in – her brother is a lawyer!”

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