Friday, February 08, 2008

Headache cure

This man suffers from terrible headaches. He goes to the doctor, who can find nothing wrong, and tries every known remedy with no success. Finally the doctor sends him to the hospital to see a specialist. The specialist arranges for every possible test to be done. When the test results come in the specialist studies them and tells the man.
“Everything seems to be OK. There are no obvious causes for the headaches. The only thing is there is a slight shadow on the X-rays in your testicles. As a very last resort I have to recommend that we remove them”
“Are you sure?” asks the man “Is there nothing else?”
“We have tried everything else. This is the very last resort - there is nothing else to try” explains the specialist.
So the operation takes place and while he is recuperating from the loss he decides to totally change his image. His first stop when he is able to get out and about is to the tailors for a brand new wardrobe.
He decides to get a new bespoke tailor-made suit and goes off to be measured. The tailor takes every possible measurement and finally measures his inside leg.
The tailor murmurs discreetly “Which side to you dress? Sir”
“Pardon me?” says the man
Again the tailor murmurs discreetly “Which side to you dress? Sir. Do your genitals hang to the left or the right?”
The man says “I don’t know, is it really important”

“Oh yes. Sir. If the trousers don’t fit correctly you get the most terrible headaches”

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