Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Get yourself a worrier

Mick goes down to his local pub. Paddy is sat in the corner, keeping very quiet and looking miserable.
He says, “What’s the matter Paddy?”
Paddy says, “Everything. I think my wife is having an affair, I owe a fortune on my credit cards, my car won’t start, and I don’t feel very well.”
Mick says, “I know what you should do. Go onto the internet and find your self a professional worrier.”
Paddy asks, “What’s that then?”
“Just a bloke who takes all your stuff and does your worrying for you.” explains Mick
A couple of weeks later Mick goes back to the pub and Paddy is singing in the karaoke, dancing at the disco and telling jokes.
“What happened?” asks Mick
Paddy says, “It’s all thanks to you. I did go onto the internet and I have a professional worrier – he is great.”
Mick says, “That’s wonderful. How much does he cost?”
“£500 a week” says Paddy
£500 a week. You can’t afford £500 a week” exclaims Mick

“I know but that’s my worrier’s problem now”

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