Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Crocodile shoes

Paddy happens to be passing a shoe shop in Dublin one day, and in the window he spots a pair of shoes. He likes them, so he enters the shop and asks the shop assistant, "How much are dem shoes in de window, fella?"
"Those are 500 pounds, sir," replies the assistant.

"Begorrah!" exclaims Paddy, "Dats an awful lot for a pair of shoes."

"Well, sir, they are crocodile shoes, very rare," says the assistant.

Paddy certainly can't afford 500 pounds for a pair of shoes so he leaves the shop and goes home. He tells his brother, Mick, about the shoes, and Mick has a brilliant idea: "Sure, Paddy, and we should go to Africa and hunt crocodiles and we'd make ourselves a fortune, sure enough!"

Paddy is very impressed with this idea, so off they both go to Africa and they hire a guide to show them to the most crocodile-infested river.

They make camp and Mick says to Paddy, "Tell you what, Paddy, you start hunting the crocodiles, I'll go back to town to find us a truck." So off Mick goes, back to town with the guide leaving Paddy to get on with the tricky task of hunting the crocodiles.

A couple of weeks later, Mick has pretty much drained the town of all available bottles of Guinness and is running low on cash, so he decides to go back to the camp and see how his brother Paddy is getting on.

As he pulls into the camp in the truck, he sees crocodiles everywhere, stacked in huge piles by the hut, stacked along the riverbank, hundreds and hundreds of crocodiles.

He jumps out of the truck and goes in search of Paddy, and just then there's a commotion in the river, loads of splashing, and Paddy comes to the surface clinging onto a huge crocodile which he wrestles to the shore then clubs to death.

"How's it going, there, Paddy?" asks Mick.

"Terrible," replies Paddy, "in fact I've caught about a tousand of dese tings and I've still not found one of dem wearing shoes!"

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